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- ;;; CMPTEST Functions for compiler test.
- ;;;
- ;; (c) Copyright Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya, 1984. All rights reserved.
- ;; Copying of this file is authorized to users who have executed the true and
- ;; proper "License Agreement for Kyoto Common LISP" with SIGLISP.
- (in-package 'compiler)
- (defun self-compile ()
- (with-open-file (log "lsplog" :direction :output)
- (let ((*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream *standard-output* log)))
- ; (self-compile2 "cmpbind")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmpblock")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmpcall")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmpcatch")
- (self-compile2 "cmpenv")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmpeval")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmpflet")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmpfun")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmpif")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmpinline")
- (self-compile2 "cmplabel")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmplam")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmplet")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmploc")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmpmap")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmpmulti")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmpspecial")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmptag")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmptop")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmptype")
- (self-compile2 "cmputil")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmpvar")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmpvs")
- ; (self-compile2 "cmpwt")
- ))
- t)
- (defun setup ()
- ; (allocate 'cons 800)
- ; (allocate 'string 256)
- ; (allocate 'structure 32)
- ; (allocate-relocatable-pages 128)
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmpinline.lsp")
- (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmputil.lsp")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmptype.lsp")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmpbind.lsp")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmpblock.lsp")
- (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmpcall.lsp")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmpcatch.lsp")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmpenv.lsp")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmpeval.lsp")
- (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmpflet.lsp")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmpfun.lsp")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmpif.lsp")
- (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmplabel.lsp")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmplam.lsp")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmplet.lsp")
- (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmploc.lsp")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmpmain.lsp")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmpmap.lsp")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmpmulti.lsp")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmpspecial.lsp")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmptag.lsp")
- (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmptop.lsp")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmpvar.lsp")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmpvs.lsp")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmpwt.lsp")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:lfun_list")
- ; (load ":udd:common:cmpnew:cmpopt.lsp")
- )
- (defun cli () (process ":cli.pr"))
- (defun load-fasl ()
- (load "cmpinline")
- (load "cmputil")
- (load "cmpbind")
- (load "cmpblock")
- (load "cmpcall")
- (load "cmpcatch")
- (load "cmpenv")
- (load "cmpeval")
- (load "cmpflet")
- (load "cmpfun")
- (load "cmpif")
- (load "cmplabel")
- (load "cmplam")
- (load "cmplet")
- (load "cmploc")
- (load "cmpmap")
- (load "cmpmulti")
- (load "cmpspecial")
- (load "cmptag")
- (load "cmptop")
- (load "cmptype")
- (load "cmpvar")
- (load "cmpvs")
- (load "cmpwt")
- (load "cmpmain.lsp")
- (load "lfun_list.lsp")
- (load "cmpopt.lsp")
- )
- (setq *macroexpand-hook* 'funcall)
- (defun self-compile1 (file)
- (prin1 file) (terpri)
- (compile-file1 file
- :fasl-file t :c-file t :h-file t :data-file t :ob-file t :system-p t))
- (defun self-compile2 (file)
- (prin1 file) (terpri)
- (compile-file1 file
- :fasl-file t :c-file t :h-file t :data-file t :ob-file t :system-p t)
- (prin1 (load file)) (terpri))
- (defvar *previous-form* nil)
- (defun cmp (form)
- (setq *previous-form* form)
- (again))
- (defun again ()
- (init-env)
- (print *previous-form*)
- (terpri)
- (setq *compiler-output1* *standard-output*)
- (setq *compiler-output2* *standard-output*)
- (setq *compiler-output-data* *standard-output*)
- (let ((prev (get-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\,)))
- (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\,
- 'si:sharp-comma-reader-for-compiler)
- (unwind-protect
- (t1expr *previous-form*)
- (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\, prev)))
- (catch *cmperr-tag* (ctop-write "test"))
- t)
- ;(defun make-cmpmain-for-unix ()
- ; (print "unixmain")
- ; (format t "~&The old value of *FEATURES* is ~s." *features*)
- ; (let ((*features* '(unix common kcl)))
- ; (format t "~&The new value of *FEATURES* is ~s." *features*)
- ; (init-env)
- ; (compile-file1 "cmpmain.lsp"
- ; :output-file "unixmain"
- ; :c-file t
- ; :h-file t
- ; :data-file t
- ; :system-p t
- ; ))
- ; (format t "~&The resumed value of *FEATURES* is ~s." *features*)
- ; )
- (defun compiler-make-ufun ()
- (make-ufun '(
- "cmpbind.lsp"
- "cmpblock.lsp"
- "cmpcall.lsp"
- "cmpcatch.lsp"
- "cmpenv.lsp"
- "cmpeval.lsp"
- "cmpflet.lsp"
- "cmpfun.lsp"
- "cmpif.lsp"
- "cmpinline.lsp"
- "cmplabel.lsp"
- "cmplam.lsp"
- "cmplet.lsp"
- "cmploc.lsp"
- "cmpmain.lsp"
- "cmpmap.lsp"
- "cmpmulti.lsp"
- "cmpspecial.lsp"
- "cmptag.lsp"
- "cmptop.lsp"
- "cmptype.lsp"
- "cmputil.lsp"
- "cmpvar.lsp"
- "cmpvs.lsp"
- "cmpwt.lsp"
- ))
- t)
- (defun remrem ()
- (do-symbols (x (find-package 'lisp))
- (remprop x 'inline-always)
- (remprop x 'inline-safe)
- (remprop x 'inline-unsafe))
- (do-symbols (x (find-package 'system))
- (remprop x 'inline-always)
- (remprop x 'inline-safe)
- (remprop x 'inline-unsafe)))
- (defun ckck ()
- (do-symbols (x (find-package 'lisp))
- (when (or (get x 'inline-always)
- (get x 'inline-safe)
- (get x 'inline-unsafe))
- (print x)))
- (do-symbols (x (find-package 'si))
- (when (or (get x 'inline-always)
- (get x 'inline-safe)
- (get x 'inline-unsafe))
- (print x))))
- (defun make-cmpopt (&aux (eof (cons nil nil)))
- (with-open-file (in "cmpopt.db")
- (with-open-file (out "cmpopt.lsp" :direction :output)
- (print '(in-package 'compiler) out)
- (terpri out) (terpri out)
- (do ((x (read in nil eof) (read in nil eof)))
- ((eq x eof))
- (apply #'(lambda (property return-type side-effectp new-object-p
- name arg-types body)
- (when (stringp body)
- (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
- (l nil)
- (l1 nil))
- ((>= i (length body))
- (when l1
- (setq body
- (concatenate 'string
- "@"
- (reverse l1)
- ";"
- body))))
- (when (char= (aref body i) #\#)
- (incf i)
- (cond ((member (aref body i) l)
- (pushnew (aref body i) l1))
- (t (push (aref body i) l))))))
- (print
- `(push '(,arg-types ,return-type ,side-effectp
- ,new-object-p ,body)
- (get ',name ',property))
- out))
- (cdr x)))
- (terpri out))))